Saturday, February 4, 2012

PodCast 5

I choose act two, "Scientists in a Haunted House". This interested me because I have always found interest in the "paranormal" ideology. They constantly kept my attention with new things that would happen to them. Things such as the mom being pulled back and forth, or seeing the ghost of a woman, or even the daughter who's friend kept hearing a baby in her room even though she didn't hear one at all. I actually didn't find much resolution in the story, rather it opened up the whole spooks and monster thing for the next story.
I choose act 1 and 2 since it was such an interesting topic. As I went further into it I really became interested when Hitt says that Dawn says she'd been a girl all her life. There was a lot of rumors of wild tales spun keeping me interested on Dawn who was this mysterious character. You often at point's could tell what had been fabricated or just a wildly spun tale and what was truth. Other times it was a lot harder to do but more often than naught you could tell. They wrap up this story with a slight mystery and conclusion.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Audio Blog 4
I choose act 2 out of this pod cast. It was interesting no doubt to hear of Christmas brushed down to it's bases and roots. The story is interesting in general as we look back on the origins of Christmas and how it came to be. It was most interesting when the narrator added in the story plot line (as far as I could tell) of "It's a Wonderful Life" to the political affairs of the Victorian ages. The narrator always kept it interesting never missing a beat and would take us further back in time. It was interesting to see his point of view on Christmas and how he thought about it. I liked how he wrapped it all up with his studio being on fire. He just casually spoke and gave pointers on keeping a healthy Christmas tree while you can hear the studio "burning" in the background. It made me laugh as I listened to his mellow yet sarcastic responses.
I choose the first act. I just found this to be interesting because I too, have my doubts about the safety of air travel. I have once in a while made scenarios of my untimely demise on a plane and so I instantly connected with the woman in the interview. The story was kept interesting by the alarm that kept being played continuously in the different interviewees voices as they described the events. I actually did a little resarch on this and found some insider footage from it from one of the interviewees This podcast really enticed me to finish even though I knew everyone got off safely because I wanted to hear from the people their views on everything, and that's what excited me to listen to it.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Podcast 3

This blog really kept me interested the entire time because all I wanted to know in the end was whether or not the dad got the bear. I was easily able to relate because when I was young I lost my favorite blanket at the zoo. I was so heart broken but my mom worked to get people to help her and we eventually found it! I was so happy and this reminds me so much of that time. The story really depicts the dad to be this kind, loving, and caring dad who would do anything for his son. The story had a lot of suspense and climactic points. One was when you thought that he would have to wait a day to get the toy from the garbage but then suddenly the truck came a day early! The story kept me holding my breath the entire time, hoping that the stuffed bear would be found.

My focus is on the story of 'Where's Walter'. This really got me interested because I always found the paranormal to be interesting, even if they were not real. This story dives into who Walter the ghost really was. He turned out to be a really nice guy, the kind with no regrets. It made me wonder why he's still there then if he never did a wrong or had regrets. He wasn't even malicious, just a prank here and there. The narrator really helps to develop Walter into how he should be remembered by not by who he is remembered as now.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Blog Report 2

The first podcast I listened to was 'The Ghost of Bobby Dunbar', a table turning, heart stopping, breath holder. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, as I listened to the shocking truth of Bobby Dunbar. It was a bit of a long podcast but it held me speechless to the very end. The podcast dived deeply into the story as Margret looked into both sides of the story. On the Dundar's side of the story you hear only sympathy and worry for them as they fight to get their little boy back. Yet on Ms. Anderson's side you hear a small portion of sympathy but a lot of slandering and bad naming. As you dive deeper you begin to feel nothing but pity for the poor woman, especially as you hear her children talk about how even years after the trial she will bring him up. How she missed him, what he was like, and how he looked. It begins to turn the wheels in your head, making you wonder who the boy truly belongs to.
In the next podcast I listened to, I choose a story of a class who was having their prom during a tornado. It begins with the students describing how the weather works in their small town. They are use to big winds, but have never really experienced a real tornado in their lives before. It then goes to them describing the prom, what the girls did, what it looked like, and then moments before the prom started. It all seemed so perfect. The theme for the prom was ironically 'Lost In The Moment' since they were so lost in the moment that they never even realized that the tornado was going on. They continue to describe the events up to about a few weeks later and how everyone was cooping with things. I enjoyed these podcast's and would recommend them to those who enjoy suspense.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

CPR Book: Watership Down

After a summer of reading and exploring I was introduced to the book by my mom who had a rather wonderful experience reading it. This compelled me to read it, more so when I found out the main characters were rabbits! Yet with all the high excitement of summer I never got around to it. Now that I have been given the oppertunity to read a book for class I decided to read Watership Down. Though I originally planned to read Bersinger by Christopher Paolini, but I had a feeling that it wasn't very college bound, so I chose something else.
I read a page or two to get a feel of what the story would be like. The dialogue and how the story thus far is written is really interesting. Richard Adams has a very unique way of writing especially with his descriptions. He's care full to have very visual detail but he also hold back on not having runoff sentences. In all he seems to be very interesting and I would like to explore further into his work.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Radio Blog

I found this story compelling when Cristel talked about why she was in the rehabilitation clinic for so long. It really shocked me when she described how she just kept cutting and cutting this girl. She explained that she had cut her so much that they had to hold her together because she was just falling apart! It really shocked me yet part of me was compelled to keep listening. I began to feel pity for her when she talked about her daughter. She explained a lot on how she only got so much time with her and how her daughter acknowledged her grandmother as more of her mother than her own biological mother.

I found this story to be interesting when Laura just talked so casually about cystic fibrosis. It didn't seem like she really cared. She casually said, "Yeah, I have cystic fibrosis, and someday I'll die." She said it so casually so I just had to heard her story. I just found her so courageous.