Saturday, February 4, 2012

PodCast 5

I choose act two, "Scientists in a Haunted House". This interested me because I have always found interest in the "paranormal" ideology. They constantly kept my attention with new things that would happen to them. Things such as the mom being pulled back and forth, or seeing the ghost of a woman, or even the daughter who's friend kept hearing a baby in her room even though she didn't hear one at all. I actually didn't find much resolution in the story, rather it opened up the whole spooks and monster thing for the next story.
I choose act 1 and 2 since it was such an interesting topic. As I went further into it I really became interested when Hitt says that Dawn says she'd been a girl all her life. There was a lot of rumors of wild tales spun keeping me interested on Dawn who was this mysterious character. You often at point's could tell what had been fabricated or just a wildly spun tale and what was truth. Other times it was a lot harder to do but more often than naught you could tell. They wrap up this story with a slight mystery and conclusion.

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