Sunday, January 22, 2012

Podcast 3

This blog really kept me interested the entire time because all I wanted to know in the end was whether or not the dad got the bear. I was easily able to relate because when I was young I lost my favorite blanket at the zoo. I was so heart broken but my mom worked to get people to help her and we eventually found it! I was so happy and this reminds me so much of that time. The story really depicts the dad to be this kind, loving, and caring dad who would do anything for his son. The story had a lot of suspense and climactic points. One was when you thought that he would have to wait a day to get the toy from the garbage but then suddenly the truck came a day early! The story kept me holding my breath the entire time, hoping that the stuffed bear would be found.

My focus is on the story of 'Where's Walter'. This really got me interested because I always found the paranormal to be interesting, even if they were not real. This story dives into who Walter the ghost really was. He turned out to be a really nice guy, the kind with no regrets. It made me wonder why he's still there then if he never did a wrong or had regrets. He wasn't even malicious, just a prank here and there. The narrator really helps to develop Walter into how he should be remembered by not by who he is remembered as now.

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