Tuesday, January 10, 2012

CPR Book: Watership Down

After a summer of reading and exploring I was introduced to the book by my mom who had a rather wonderful experience reading it. This compelled me to read it, more so when I found out the main characters were rabbits! Yet with all the high excitement of summer I never got around to it. Now that I have been given the oppertunity to read a book for class I decided to read Watership Down. Though I originally planned to read Bersinger by Christopher Paolini, but I had a feeling that it wasn't very college bound, so I chose something else.
I read a page or two to get a feel of what the story would be like. The dialogue and how the story thus far is written is really interesting. Richard Adams has a very unique way of writing especially with his descriptions. He's care full to have very visual detail but he also hold back on not having runoff sentences. In all he seems to be very interesting and I would like to explore further into his work.

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